Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Habari Gani

Edit: Bringing it back for 2011. Happy Holidays. 

I'm the least jolly person you'll ever meet during holiday season.  Its not like I don't want to celebrate the birthday of Baby Jesus or spend time with my family, it that I could do all of that without a tree and watching "It's a Wonderful Life". The secular celebration of Christmas doesn't even seem that exciting to me either. Secular Christmas feels like Las Vegas (lights, excitement, magic & $$$) boiled down to a day. Over the past 10 or more years, I've realized that the commercialism and the pressure of having to "be excited" for Christmas is stressful to me.

Its just that I don't get all of the hype. People get rubbed the wrong way by the fact that I don't particularly like exchanging gifts and holiday text for friends, family and strangers. And as a kid, what mattered most was toys and the mystique, so when all that vanishes and you're left with getting gifts you either a) don't want or need or b)the giver shouldn't have bought, you start to notice how backwards a lot of the attention is. Does it make it a good Christmas if you got the gifts you and your family wanted? What if you're like me and you really don't want anything? Is that bad? I have more questions than answers really when it comes to my non-conformity. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be one of those have a holly jolly Christmas free of

Feastivus is starting to look pretty good to me.

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