Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Muse or Something Like It

Muse - (v.) to think about or ponder something deeply; (n.) a person, especially a woman, who is the the source of inspiration for an artist. Ancient GreekΜοῦσαιmoũsai: perhaps from the o-grade of the Proto-Indo-European root *men- "think" in Greek mythologypoetry, and literature, are the goddesses of the inspiration ofliteraturescience and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths.

When people speak of their ideal mate, they usually speak of wanting a companion or a partner; one who'll help bare the burden of the world in search of the truth like the X-Files' Mulder & Scully. When I think of the future Mrs. Snyder, I tend to agree on compatibility, but I also want to be inspired. It's not enough to say "you can do it" or "I believe in you" - actually being a catalyst for change and motivation for self- improvement is what really matters.

Right now, I'm in some sort of long distance relationship-y thing, where me and a friend from high school, whom I recently reconnected with,  are talking about life and dating and... *gulp* marriage (not with each other, but in a figurative way). The talks have shifted the tectonic plates of my mind and caused me to think about what it is that I really want out of any women that I may one day marry.

Of course, when there are newer and much better ideas and opportunities that arise, you always want to go back to look at the situations in which you wish could have been improved. I was once dating someone who believed that your sig-other was supposed to "make you better" and "upgrade you". To a degree, this is true. . but to upgrade isn't just to switch old with the new; its to improve upon and make better the things that were successful. To her, "upgrading"  equalled changing. Change how you dressed. Change your friends. Change your life and lastly change your ideas. Our biggest problems (aside from all the lies and bullshit we told eachother) was that I didn't agree with what are roles should be within each other's lives.   What was missing in our misinterpretations about partnership. Being a partner means being an inspiration in growth.

I would hate to still be the Branden of 2012 in 2022. And I would definitely hate to have spent a significant amount of time with someone and didn't experience anything new. Shit,  you should have been alone if the relationship you're in doesn't provide anything - at the very least a new set of experiences and ideas

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